The Haflinger horse breed roots from the South Tyrol and got its name from the local village called Hafling. The founder of the breed was the stallion 249 Folie, born from semi-Arabian stallion 133 El BedaviXXII and the thoroughbred Tyrol mare. It is to him that all thoroughbred Haflingers descend through one of the seven lines (A, B, M, N, S, ST and W). Folie became the first Haflinger, registered in the society of horse lovers and professional breeders in 1874, but the breed was officially recognized only in 1898.
After the birth of Folie, several Austrian nobles became interested in the breed and asked the government to support the breeding of the Haflinger horses. In 1899, the Austrian government allocated subsidies for the development of breeding programs of Haflingers. Horses that did not meet the quality standards of the breed, were used in the army for the transport of goods. In 1904 in South Tyrol, a cooperative of Haflinger breeders was founded. Its goal was to improve breeding procedures, maintain the purity of the breed and create a breeding book.